Improving Ubuntu GUI Resposiveness

17 Aug 2006 . . Comments


I ran across this on Digg under the title How to Make Firefox Over 40% Faster. While the improvement actually has nothing to do with Firefox, it does cover how to improve the CPU scaling settings.

Quick breakdown…

Uninstall powernowd

sudo apt-get remove powernowd

Enable speed-stepping (I’m running Centrino)

sudo modprobe speedstep-centrino

Enable the ondemand governor

sudo modprobe cpufreq-ondemand

This step is a change from Martin’s directions, his says to use sudo, but you can’t write to /sys with sudo, so

echo ondemand | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

Now it’s just a matter of updating your performance settings:

Open /etc/modules and add


Install sysfsutils

sudo apt-get install sysfsutils

Add to /etc/sysfs.conf


Basically what this is doing is stepping up the processor frequency if the CPU reaches 80% utilization.